Tag Archives: fix windows update error freely

Event ID 455 ESENT error in Windows 10 V1903 Sovled

I upgrade my PC to windows 10 released v1903 version 18362.116 last week.

Over the next twenty four hours, 32 events (event ID 455) from the source esent were logged in the application log and a message was displayed:

Svchost (8772, R, 98) tilerepositories-1-5-18: error – 1023 (0xfffc01) – Electronic packet log when opening log file


What is ESENT? What is the cause of this event ID 455 error? How to fix this error freely and frendly?


The ESENT.exe is the core component of the window’s , it act as a database engine of windows operating system. The TileDataLayer folder was deleted in Windows 10 v1709. It is replaced by folder TileStore. But window 10 update 1903 is still searching for TileDataLayer folder. If this folder cannot be found, an error event with ID 455 will be reported to the system .It’s very annoying.

The solution is quite simple as you only need to run WisePCDoctor to delete the error folders and junk files ,and then create the TileDatalayer and Database folder. To fix event id 455, do the following steps  to fix this error, and will never see these annoying error reports again:

A:  Download wisepcdoctor tools and install it.


B:  Run wisepcdoctor to scan these errors and fix them.

C:  Open a command prompt as an administrator.

D:  Type mkdir C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\Database

E: Press Enter.

If there is no  error popup , that means you have fix this Event ID 455 error successfully. If you get any errors look like Access Denied, you should create the TileDataLayer by youself.

The TILEREPOSITORYS Errors and 1023 should not be logged again after you run wisepcdoctor to delete junk files.