Tag Archives: Delete Windowstime.exe timeserver.exe bitcoinminner virus

What is windowstime.exe and timeserver.exe


I found windowstime.exe and timeserver.exe are running on my laptop, both of them are strange to me, nearly consume GPU at 100%, they locate in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\time folder,I googled them on internet, some guy said they are bitcoin miner virus, they can consume your PCs resources to dig bit coin for hackers.

Well, how can I remove the windowstime.exe and timeserver.exe virus?

Click here to Run a Free Scan for WINDOWSTIME.EXE TIMESERVER.EXE related error


The windowstime.exe and timeserver.exe are legal files , both of them are related to the Windows Time application,  this application enables your PC to synchronize the time with an authoritative time server in Windows Server.

We have found 25 different files with filename windowstime.exe and 17 different files with filename timeserver.exe. Most of them were detect as virus or malware.

Please follow these steps to fix the windowstime.exe and timeserver.exe related errors:

If the windowstime.exe and timeserver.exe related problem still exists, maybe the windowstime.exe and timeserver.exe were infected by bitcoin miner virus, please run free avast anti-virus to scan the your computer, and then run wise pc doctor to fix the related error of windowstime.exe and timeserver.exe virus.

More details of Removal Instructions: How to get rid of windowstime.exe and timeserver.exe virus, Trojan or malwares