My computer is Thinkpad S230u with Windows 7 installed. I continuity get a system error message of volpanlu.exe, ” The application volpanlu.exe has stopped working”. This message disturb me, how to fix volpanlu.exe 32 system error?
Click here to Run a Free Scan for VOLPANLU.EXE related error
We have found 23 different file with filename VolPanlu.exe, the VolPanlu.exe was related to program Creative Volume Panel, this software was developed by Creative Technology (
Please follow these simple steps to fix volpanlu.exe has stopped working error:
- Download Wise PC Doctor from: free download link
- Run Wise PC Doctor to fix the VolPanlu.exe related issues.
- Open Control Panel and double click Add/uninstall Programs.
- Uninstall Soundblaster Audigy Advanced MB and Creative Volume Panel.
- Reinstall Soundblaster Audigy Advanced MB and Creative Volume Panel .
- Restart your pc
How to run Wise PC Doctor to repair your computer
1, Download Wise PC Doctor:
2. Install Wise PC Doctor.
3. Click "One-Click Fix", do a complete scan for your computer.
4. Click “Repair All” then fix all detected problems.